AVDNet Solutions is a provider of Web Hosting services which is known for its Quality Economical Web Hosting. AVDNet Solutions is a top Web Hosting and Domain Registration Company located in Nagpur, India. We provide Domain Name Registration Services, Linux Web Hosting, Windows Web Hosting, VPS Web Hosting. We have a team of professionals working 24 hrs for company clients to give cheap and best plans for web hosting with its 24*7 support.
A domain name, such as www.yourwebsitename.com, signifies your own address on the Internet. No two parties can ever hold a same domain name. A domain is truly a unique identifier of you or your business.
URL (Unique Resource Locator) as it is known in technical terms. This unique resource locator when typed in the address bar of any web browser helps find your website or a particular web page among the millions of other websites on the internet, this is very important for your website.
Domain Name Available | ||
.com |
.co.in |
.net |
.org |
.info |
.biz |
.us |
.name |
.cc |
.tv |
.bz |
.eu |
.mobi |
.co |
.me |
.co.uk, .org.uk, .me.uk |
Hosting Services | |
Start From 500MB | |
1GB | |
5GB | |
10GB | |
50GB | |
Unlimited |